Blogpost: The Chair
I just had a phenomenal weekend. I was able to go hiking, be in nature, and hang out by a river for the first time in 10+ years. How you might ask? Your power chair doesn’t go off-road and your manual chair doesn’t either. Well, the answer starts with God’s provision.
One week earlier… we were at church, serving, and we had free time before church started. Nelly leaned over to show me a new type of chair. I said, “cool” and that was the end of that. Then Nelly took my advice of “ just ask, you never know, the worst they can say is “no”.” Then she sent an email to the makers of the chair and they replied before church ended. This was the start of a two-week menagerie. Looking back I saw God’s hands through all of the plans. Starting with Nelly having to go to the northwest the coming week for work.
When Nelly reached out to the AdvenChair people, she explained that we were going to Machu Picchu in Peru. Tickets were paid, we just needed a chair. Our proposition was to cut us a break in the purchase and we will gladly give them promotion for the chair which included photos, videos, blogs, and reviews. The deal seemed mutual beneficial because they are a newer company, they have never been international with the chair, and Machu Picchu was on their list of places to try the chair. And we were new to going to Machu Picchu in a wheelchair, we didn’t know all of the options, and the tour companies for people in wheelchairs cost a pretty penny. The expenses kept adding up until financially it didn’t make sense. Ultimately we were thrilled to find this chair but initially there was hesitancy from both sides. With a couple zoom meetings over the course of a week, we had the skeleton of an agreement and we got to know them on a personal level. One question? How was I going to try the chair and see if it was a fit? I am in cali and they are in Oregon. Insert God’s helping hand.
The next Tuesday we flew to Tacoma, WA for Nelly’s work. Side note we stayed down the street from the glass blowing museum, we didn’t have time to go to it on this trip but having previously gone I highly recommend it. The first day was nice finally being able to put faces to the name’s Nelly always talks about. That night we stayed at the hotel because it was the MLB all-star game. The halos that played in the game had a couple of good plays and it was fun to watch. The next night we met up with an old roommate of Nelly’s and had the best Indian food that I’ve ever had. With a night of reminiscing and laughter we shut the place down and we had to lock-up when we left. lol! That Thursday we had yet another hang out with different friends from church who had recently moved. We met at a park and had fun catching up, eating, and taking a stroll around the lake with them and there kid. How many times do we make plans to see friends and family on trips but only seeing 1 of 4 groups? I truly believe that time in WA was God ordained. It just flowed so easily. Thank you Jesus that time was good for my soul.
The next day we headed off to Bend, OR. The original blessings were the owners of the chair company were nice and genuine people. We had a hard time finding hotels and rentals cars, when they offered to give us a ride and graciously open up their house to us. The first night their was perfect weather so we ate dinner outside as we compared outlandish stories of our handicapped journey. They had to be true because you can’t make these stories up. We quickly realized the wives were similar and that the husband and I were oddly really similar. From our personalities, mannerisms due to the very similar type of stroke we had, to the meds we have taken. We ended the night early to get ready for the busy day we had the next and the real reason we were there, the hike with the wheelchair.
Debriefing on the LOGE Bend AdvenChair Demo Course
Waking up before the sun is not fun but it was necessary to get going so we wouldn’t be hiking during the hottest part of the day. Once we got to the trail head it was like I had a flashback of all the reasons I wanted to be a parks and rec major. I love nature! It was cool because the designer of the chair grew up in Torrance so we got to connect over that. My excitement only grew as he was breaking down the info of the chair. Next was the safety debriefing and a mapping out of the trail. Then we were off. Onward!
It was thrilling! But it didn’t meet mountain biking standards not because anything they did, but it was the unattainable expectations I had for myself and lack of mobility that made me not feel the mountain bike experience. This bike was awesome it was a close second to being on the trail again. With the right perspective I was able to really enjoy myself and really take everything in. I had a blast.
Robert Kapen on the AdvenChair Demo Course at the LOGE Bend
Robert Kapen tests out more terrain on the LOGE Bend AdvenChair Demo Course with Jack Arnold of the AdvenChair team
When we got home we had dinner with a member of the AdvenChair society. We again related over various similarities. It was just the perfect ending to the weekend.
Even though I had a grand time socializing and testing the chair. The reality is I still need help fundraising to purchase it. It’s a pretty nice piece of equipment and we need to put a sizable down payment before we go to Peru. Please prayerfully consider donating before AUG 5th to a great cause of allowing me to be in nature again and giving me all the old feels back. Go to if you would like to help. And to get more info or get in contact with the chair company visit
My next step is Machu Picchu, so keep an ear out for updates.